Max Aarons Norwich City and England U21
“I definitely recommend Saul’s sessions, It took my game to another level. I felt sharper than doing any group training.”
Max Aarons
“Saul’s footballing beliefs, expectations, and personal qualities will have a very profound influence on your game, he gets to the very heart of ball control, the details of It, without doubt, he is a master at It, make no mistake, a world leader and world class in technical coaching. Saul has had an overwhelming influence on my son’s development with his no nonsense approach. Most players can quickly pick up on whether their coach is good, the man Is great, Saul’s pure unadulterated passion and desire for the game to be played with skill will Improve any player. He will make demands of you, push you, develop you, and guess what, the tradeoff will pay dividends. I thank you, and cannot recommend you enough.”
Max’s Father